All I can say is how much I love this project. I mean really love.

I’m writing this post on Thursday so I have another day and a half under my belt as I share these thoughts. The documentation I have done this week is not getting old or overwhelming. In fact, it has actually sparked in me a creative spirit I’ve longed for for some time.

My philosophy I have stressed for the last few years as I’ve taught classes about documenting your life and the everyday moments is that through the lens you can see how truly beautiful your life is. That statement is once again solidified by this experience. At the end of each day as I reflect back on the moments that made up that day, I am more and more grateful for the life I have and the individuals in it. Capturing these seemingly basic everyday moments has opened my heart.

Ok so onto the photos.

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The story of today includes Bella’s morning routine. She is up at 5am to get her violin practicing done. Then like any good teenager it’s spending the rest of the time getting ready.

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The story of today includes trying to get Megan out of bed. It’s not easy. Remember how I said she was a free spirit? She has a much harder time than anyone else in the family at getting up from her slumber.

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The story of today includes violin practice for not only Bella, but Megan too. If the morning goes my way she will have her violin practice done before school. Usually this mean I make her lunch.

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The story of today includes me getting pumpkin bread ready with a bow and tag to drop off at a few neighbors.

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The story of today includes visiting the Junior High to help with reality days. The 9th graders choose a career are told how many children they have (if they have any), what there husband does (if they have one), and then go about making their way with all the responsibility of adult life. Bella choose to be a composer even though her annual income was very low. She said it was important to her to choose something she loved. I think after this experience she will be very careful about what she decides to do in the future — after all she had to get a second job. Go Bella.

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The story of today includes a half hour break from my regular routine to got to a LDS Relief Society class. I was late due to reality days, but I was grateful for the bit I did hear. It was the last one this year.

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The story of today includes these two puppies following behind me as I carried my lunch to my studio. A regular occurrence to eat with an audience. As a side note, June is Lola’s across the street friend.

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The story of today includes me working through my Week In The Life photos from Monday and other editing left from weeks past.

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The story of today includes these two girls coming home from school together and Lola waiting to welcome them home. I don’t know how dogs know the time, but Lola gravitates towards the door at 245pm and waits.

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The story of today includes the puppy getting too much love. Look at that expression!

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The story of today includes this amazing girl. The more time I spend with her the more I realize my eldest is rad. Really RAD. She is one of the most fun people to be with — very down to earth, considerate, and hilarious! I love her.

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The story of today includes delightful fall smelling candles and some Halloween ones to throw into the mix.

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The story of today includes a oovoo chat with my friends Bella and Michelle. What a blessing of technology that we can video chat with friends and family who live afar. My 2 cents for today — oovoo is so much better than skype.

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The story of today includes our typical “dad out of town” menu. Homemade pizza and salad.

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The story of today includes getting our tax return in the mail (we always file oct15). Not going to lie, it wasn’t bad. 🙂

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The story of today includes watching how the evening light behaves in our home. I love this golden hour, but wish it didn’t come so quickly.

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The story of today includes being painfully aware of just how dark it is at 7:10pm. I love the fall, but man the fading light is hard for me. I wish I could stop it there, but come Sunday this is what 6pm will look like. Shedding a tear. I took this on my way back from getting Megan from dance (I was pulled over). I really do love where we live.

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The story of today includes all of us congregating in my room before heading to bed. Bella was catching up on laundry (when you don’t get it in on Monday you’re on your own), while Tess and Megan funny stories from that day at school.

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The story of today includes me ending the evening watching a few inDesign CC videos as I fall asleep.

If Week In The Life isn’t something your interested in I would encourage you start now to document your life in your own way. You could even join me for 12of12  and just document 1 day a month for a year. Whatever you decide start now — you will not regret it.