You guys know how fond I am of documenting my everyday, right? Right. So it shouldn’t be a shock I have decided to give Ali Edwards Week In The Life another go.

If you’ve been with me a while you’ll recall I participated in the first WITL organized by Ali back in fall 2008. It was such a great experience and I loved the outcome, however it was a pretty intense week. Constantly being on, with camera in hand — it was a lot. Due to the intensity I sought out a different way to capture my everyday on a consistent basis — enter the 12of12 project. I thought it was the perfect combination of documenting the bits and pieces of my life without feeling overwhelmed. I have absolutely loved the result of capturing one day a month.

When Ali first started talking about doing another WITL I went back and forth about whether I wanted to participate or not. Should I? Shouldn’t I? Ultimately I decided 6 years was long enough and it would be fun to capture an entire week of our life again, after all out life looks so much different than it was in 2008.

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As per Ali’s suggestion (our days are built with stories) I am starting this week and taking pictures based on the stories that make up our day. I am also working with her daily sheets that you can find here.

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The story of today includes my Monday morning routine. Getting up at 5:30am and heading off to my friends insanity workout class. It’s a hard workout and I mostly hate it, but I love seeing friends and especially love it when I’m done.

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The story of today includes Tess’ morning breakfast routine. It’s usually buttered toast or Rice Crispies, and it’s always the first thing she does in the morning. Today she just happened to be telling Bella all about her dream last night, you know the one where all your friends are dressed up in scary costumes? Ya that one.

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The story of today includes Megan’s morning routine or lack there of. Of all my girls the only thing she does consistently is not follow a routine. We are lucky, today she decided to get clean.

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The story of today includes Adam staying home later than usual. He’s usually up and gone by 6am so it was nice to be able to say goodbye to him. Also the picture on the left he was saying, “todays on the 12th, is it?” He wasn’t the only one that asked that. 🙂

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The story of today includes our one, yes one, outdoor decoration. It’s our take on The Bones of Fred McFee, our favorite Halloween book.

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The story of today includes Lolapuppy in her usual position. Asleep. She wakes about noon to see what I’m having for lunch.

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The story of today includes snowfall. Yes people, it was the first snowfall of the season. I teared up. Not sure I’m ready for the season to change just yet.

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The story of today includes the beautiful view I get to enjoy as I drive Bella to orchestra rehearsal.

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The story of today includes Tess reading The Maze Runner. It was the first thing she did when she got home from school after grabbing a snack. This is very unusual for her and I loved seeing it.

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The story of today includes picking this girl up from soccer practice (not sure why she changed back into her street clothes) and her telling me all about how her team is going to dress up like zombies for their final game Saturday.

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The story of today includes me making chicken noodle soup and sweet Lolapuppy resuming her usual position by my feet. The smell of the chicken keeps her close.

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The story of today includes one of my favorite parts of my day — eating together as a family. I’m digging the reflection.

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The story of today includes how as a family we finished the Book of Mormon after 5 years. It was quite a momentous occasion.

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The story of today includes the relationship between these two. Could it be sweeter? Lolapuppy lives to spend time with her Alpha.

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The story of today includes finishing homework, and surprise texts from friends. Good times.

If you want to learn more about Week In The Life see Ali’s latest getting ready post.

Are you participating? Will you start now?