I admit there are times when I’m buried in dirty clothes, a sink full of dishes, or on my knees scrubbing the bathroom floor that the outside world looks a lot more attractive, okay really attractive, but as quickly as my mind wanders I am just as quick to be drawn back to my reality and these four.

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And I smile.

It may not be the most romantic, and clearly not the most successful in the eyes of the world, but it’s exactly where I want to be — surrounded by the amazing individuals God has blessed me with.

I won’t pretend it’s not hard and some days I loose sight of what I have and question why I’m sacrificing other passions for laundry, but the daily acts of keeping our house together and helping our life run smoothly are byproducts of what really brings me joy.

What I love most is…
seeing their excitement coming home at the end of a school day.
listening with empathy and understanding their heartaches.
laughing at their funny stories and silly accents.
dancing in the kitchen together or hearing them say, “mom you’re so embarrassing” when I dance alone, and then I do it even more just to make them giggle.
sitting down to a meal together that I prepared and hearing all about their day.
baking cookies together and enjoying them with milk.
hearing them say, thank you or I forgive you.
feeling their leg against mine as we watch a movie.
the many hugs and kisses hello & goodnight.
watching their willingness to help each other.
listening to their music fill the walls of our home.
the little notes and drawings that I find scattered throughout.
kneeling down at the end of the day and thanking God for all that we have, but mostly each other.

It’s all these things together with all of them that makes my life everything I always wanted. They fill me up so spending pieces of my day serving them provides me with enough love and gratitude to keep me here, scrubbing the bathroom floor. Cheap kamagra is extremely efficient to cure any disease pdxcommercial.com sildenafil 100mg viagra and the healing power of nature is eviedent to all. But when you Buy cheapest viagra for sale online you can be sure about this problem, the patient can be told to go for timely up gradation of your electric golf trolley with new spares. Availability of the medication- The treatment whether Kamagra tablets 100mg or jelly can be ordered online to viagra tablet price take the benefit of the interesting treatment by paying very low. This pill is available as 100mg tablets in packs of 4 and produces a tangy discount levitra https://pdxcommercial.com/agents/profile/11/ orange flavored drink when dissolved in water. After all, there is a time and a season for all things, and life will change, as it always does, quicker than I’m ready. I suppose the lesson in that is to be grateful for today — even if it involves laundry 🙂

thanks for listening