01. It was extremely hard to get up this morning. If I hadn’t committed to my friend I’m not sure I would have.
02. Sights on my morning run.
03. Making baptism books for the 6 kids getting baptized Sunday.
04. Love a good mid-morning summer rain.
05. Finally getting my hair done. I look forward to it each and every time.
06. Meeting up with Jill to hand off Whitney and making a Costco run for our family trip next week. Good thing I dropped a the eggs I bought while putting them in my car. 🙁
07. Dropping Tess off to have a sleepover with a friend. She couldn’t have been more excited.
08. Spending a Friday night together downtown.
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10. Sushi at Sapa’s totally hit the spot.
11. I will admit, it is a magical place when the light hits it just right.
12. Had to end the night with a taste of Nielsens. A big taste.

Can you believe we are half way? Crazy. Hope it was a good one for you. I may have already said this, but I find summer to be an enjoyable time to document because the light last forever, however, it was a strange twelve for me today. I only took about 20 photos between my canon and iphone. I wasn’t really feeling it, but that ok, it happens, and I was pleased with what I did document.

Have a great weekend!