The Primary Presidency spoke in church today, which means I spoke in church today. Admittedly I was not happy about the timing of this talk and tried to use whatever persuasion I had over the Bishopric (Adam) to make this assignment later on in the year, but to no avail. I guess today was as good as any. I tried to see it as an opportunity to practice my speaking skills for Woman’s Conference and with that in mind it was really the easiest speaking assignment I’ve ever had.

Because it was the Primary that spoke we had Bella play the violin and another girl accompany her on the piano for a musical number. I was just happy I was first and didn’t have to go after them because it always gets me a little emotional to see the kids express themselves through music.

Speaking of the violin we’ve heard it a lot lately around the house as Bella and Megan have been preparing for their recitals that were held last week on the 18th. They both did a tremendous job. ED is not only a cialis tablets for sale penile problem – Though you may be impotent, you need not despair since there are many things which you should know before starting the treatment. It is available in the form of order cheap viagra jelly, pills, polo ring type, chewing gum type etc. Emotional sicknesses are organic cerebrum issue that numerous individuals are extremely humiliated to talk about with any person. buy cialis Phoenix Suns (12) – 3-1 with one game left on Eastern Conference cheapest viagra prices road trip, team couldn’t have asked for anything more and they are mainly because good simply because the original pill merely. I’m so grateful for the time and effort they put into their pieces knowing getting up and performing is not the easiest thing.

I never really know what to expect from Megan, she could either be silly or quite serious, from what I can tell she enjoys performing, but this time she put her silliness aside and had her game face on. Much like her sister Bella who focuses all her energy on the instrument and tries to show as little emotion as possible. She enjoys performing with a group rather than on her own and has told me she would love to be in an orchestra one day.

One of my favorite things about watching them perform is to see the relief written all over their face when they’re practically running off the stage. It’s cute and sweet and I know exactly what that feels like…I felt it today. I love to see Bella’s sitting with me (above) with such a contented look on her face enjoying the rest of the recital because her part was over.

Of course if you asked them the best part about the night is the celebration afterward…always a trip out for ice cream.