I’m not sure what it was, but I can’t remember having a more pleasant Christmas than we had this year. Of course it could have had something to do with the fact that I was in my pjs all day just hanging out with family. It was simple, low key, and perfect…definitely worth all the crazy that ensued days before.

Christmas Eve was spent with Adam’s family. It’s been several years now that we’ve kept up with our Christmas Eve tradition. We get together in the afternoon, have a fabulous meal, open up our gifts to each other, and then usually play games and eat some more. What could be better than that?

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Christmas morning we started around 7 o’clock, quite a change from last year when I had to wake the girls up because my parents were coming over and they were all asleep, but I wasn’t surprised. They went to bed pretty excited about Santa coming. Poor Bella woke up feeling sick and threw up several times. She didn’t look too bad, but her multiple trips to the bathroom weren’t just for show. I felt bad of all the days it was Christmas she wasn’t feeling well. Lucky for her it didn’t last all day. After she ate something for breakfast she was fine. She kept telling me the OJ cured her.

It was enjoyable watching my girls excitement as each gift was unwrapped. I think I will miss that most when they grow up. Hopefully the Christmas morning magic will never go away…I’m crossing my fingers. I was happy they liked their homemade gifts and surprised how much they loved their new robes…that was the big hit. Who knew?

After gifts were opened and those blasted plastic packages & twist ties finally loosened my family (parents & sister’s family) came over for breakfast. It’s a tradition we started a few years ago and it’s something we have loved hosting. From there we just hung out and stayed as we were…our_non_showered_pjed_selves. It was delightful.

And as for me, well, the gift Adam gave to me may have helped in making my Christmas magical…

A canon 5d Mark II. (jaw drop)

If you don’t know what this is, it’s a magnificent glorious piece of equipment that I have been dreaming of for two years now. When I opened the box I was speechless, completely surprised. Adam laughed as I held onto the box for quite some time as if someone was going to come take it away from me. I just couldn’t believe it was actually mine, I never thought I would see the day. I haven’t stopped smiling and don’t think I ever will. As far as I’m concerned I don’t need another gift again.

I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas holiday. It’s crazy to think it’s behind us and another 365 days away. Bella got teary when she realized the day was gone and would have to wait a whole year to do it again. It’s definitely hard to feel so much anticipation and then have it gone so quickly. A tricky lesson to learn as a child and one I’m still not use to.