Last night seemed to be the culmination of a crazy roller coaster of a week, starting in a funk, which is never a good way say hello to a Monday, followed by an alright midweek, which turned sour yesterday, and then last night finding myself just plain angry so I put myself to bed a 8pm.

But before I attempted to sleep (attempted being the operative word), I walked around the house to make sure the doors were locked and closed all the blinds. As I approached the front door I saw a package sitting on my doormat. I half-heartedly picked it up, not usually like me with a package, assumed it was for me, walked it to my studio, then preceded across the hall empty handed to my bed.

I woke up this morning around 2:45am. I recall hearing one of the girls come into the room, at which point Adam and I lifted our heads, looked at each other, and then I realized it was going to be a long morning…I was up. I laid there for quite a while before remembering the package and realized it was most likely the new Ali Edward’s book I had been anticipating (I enjoyed the last two so much I couldn’t wait to get this one in the stores). So I got out of bed and started to read.

I love her Life Art philosophy and what it means to me about creating art, about creating the life I want, about living every moment, about telling my story. The first chapter is titled “It Is OK”, a term I have read on her blog before and even seen on her cute little buttons, but somehow it didn’t resonate with me until now. Somehow, somewhere it all made sense.
It is OK!

It’s ok to feel.
It’s ok to cry.
It’s ok to let go.
It’s ok to struggle.
It’s ok to not be the best.
It’s ok to not know what to do.
It’s ok to laugh.
It’s ok to need help.
It’s ok to hope.
It’s ok to ask.
It’s ok to be honest.
It’s ok to hold.
It’s ok to not know.
It’s ok to be scared.
It’s ok to dream.
It’s ok to give your all.
It’s ok to love deeply.
It’s ok to embrace the journey.
It’s ok to grow.
It’s ok to hurt.
It’s ok to take action.
It’s ok to just be.
It’s ok to be me.

I didn’t start the second chapter, instead just let my mind wonder until I found myself in my studio writing and creating.

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I made myself a little something to hang up in my studio, as part of a wall of art I’m working on, to remind me it’s ok. Life is beautiful and so are all the bumps, road blocks, and clear skies along the way…they make us who we are, who we ultimately want to become.

It is OK!