I’ve received a lot of inquiries regarding the “Gretchen” in my name. It’s not something I’ve intentionally kept quiet, it’s really just been out of laziness that I haven’t shared. Here’s my story.

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My given name is Amy Gretchen. I was named after my paternal grandmother who died a few years before I was born. As a child I was always fascinated with the woman I was named after. I wanted to see pictures of her and hear stories about the woman she was. I would ask my dad all the time to tell me everything he remembered–I truly hoped there would be something we had in common. He told me how she loved to knit, to cook, and host her family. She was gentle, loving, and giving.

When I was in grade school I remember being embarrassed by my middle name because it was so different. All my friends were either Ann’s or Lynn’s (apparently it was the middle name of the time) and mine was so unique. I was proud of it though, it was my grandmothers name, and secretly wanted everyone to know. When I went off to college I remember distinctly debating about going by Gretchen from that point on. For starters I knew so many Amy’s in high school and figured collage would certainly be no different. Second, if I was ever going to switch over now was the time. And third, I really liked my middle name and wanted to use it. For whatever reason though, I was never able to go through with it, so just plain Amy I remained.

Until early 2010.

My friend Hannah had just introduced me to her friends Jenica and Amy. One evening we were all sitting around chatting like we would. I can’t remember who it was, but someone suggested that one of us Amy’s go by a different name so there would be no confusion. I immediately spoke up and suggested they call me Gretchen. They all looked at me puzzled, sort of like, where in the world did that come from, until I explained it was my middle name. So it stuck. They started calling me Gretchen or G for short. I loved it.

After that evening, and the subsequent weeks that followed, I thought more and more about how to incorporate Gretchen. I decided to talk with my family about it, if I could get their support than making the switch would be easy. Honestly, I didn’t think it would be a big deal, after all, it is my name, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. To make a long story short, it was only my dad and sister that would support me. I tried throughout the summer to let my wishes known, but then let it lie. I figured I couldn’t force it, but that didn’t mean I was willing to give up–I knew it would take time.

It was then that I started adding Gretchen to my online user names. Honestly, I would have dropped the Amy all together, but realized it best to ease everyone into the change. So when I went to Squam that first year I introduced myself as Amy Gretchen, when my church boundaries changed I put Amy Gretchen on my name tag, when I went out to eat I used it to reserve a table, etc. etc.

It’s been interesting the mixed reactions people have had to my request–some have embraced it, while others have turned me down flat. I understand to those that have known me a long time how hard it is to think of me as anything but Amy. I’m definitely not forcing anything, I answer to both Amy and Gretchen (or G), but I do prefer the latter and am moving in that direction.
So now you know why the laziness to share. Not too exciting of a story, but it’s mine and I figure one day my girls will appreciate knowing why the emphasis on my middle name. And, well, it hopefully cleared up some confusion 🙂

Have a great night!