“These big things…are not the important ones. If they were, how could one go on living? No, it is the small, little things that make up a day, that bring fullness and happiness to a life.”
― Benedict and Nancy Freedman (Mrs. Mike)

starting the new year off with a bang (52photoproject | week 37 | day one)

reorganizing and decluttering.
my laundry being done for the week.
discovering that the opened sharpie marker in the washer didn’t ruin any clothes.

creative night = two friends building a piece of furniture.
finding time to visit with my neighbor.
sunshine (hear it’s You may find it oral pill type, the jelly type, polo ring type, chewing gum type etc. viagra online shop If you experience poor erections on a regular basis, check with your doctor and get your cheap viagra in uk blood cholesterol checked. As a result there is blood flow into the penile region of the discount viagra sales body. Later research levitra prescription in osteopathy identified this motion as being present in all body tissues. suppose to be gray the rest of the week).

everyone in the family working together.
realizing Adam’s only going to be gone for two nights instead of three.
a reminder system that works for me (2do app).
clean sheets.

one on one time with my girls.
bookclub this week.
finally feeling better.
being able to run 5 miles after taking two months off.

cookie dough covered beaters.
my camelbak — I’m hitting my goal and drinking more water.
homemade pot stickers for dinner.
yoga tonight with Meili.

finding them all together like this.
daily journal writing.
starting a new book.

**What makes you happy?