I know I’ve said it a millions time, but seriously where did this year go. I hope you all take a chance to look at all your twelves together to get a glimpse of how great your year was.

01. Celebrating 12.12.12 today.

02. 06:12 Megan doing homework while she waits her turn for violin.

03. This is where I was when the clock struck 12:12pm on 12.12.12. Felt a little too coped up and needed some fresh air. I would never have remembered if I hadn’t set my alarm.

04. I had big intentions for this day, but I’m not feeling myself, a bit under the weather, so I wasn’t as ambitious as I had hoped.

05. 01:12pm Doing my last little bit of Christmas (online) shopping.

06. 02:12pm Folding laundry, not a fan.

07. 03:12pm Bella was telling me all about her day of twelves. Apparently the class went wild with cheering and shouts when the clock hit 12:12pm. Then they stopped and she said it was all a little weird.
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08. I couldn’t resist adding this picture mainly because I never laughed so hard. We were shopping at Target this evening for Sub For Santa gifts, but before we started I needed to return a few items. As it turns out while I was being helped by a young man Megan pulled out of my bag a tampon and said, “what do you use these for?” I was semi-mortified until I saw the look on the target employees face and then I couldn’t help but say, “that was awesome,” which made the kid laugh and relieved the tension  He still turned the color of his red target shirt. Poor guy.

09. 5:12pm Ah Megan what a delight to shop with — not. I counted at least 15 items that she had to have — no we are not talking for Christmas. This, I don’t even know what it was, stuffed panda in her hand was the hardest one for her to let go of. She told me she would give anything to have it and when I suggested her kitty she promptly said, “anything but that“. I suppose she really didn’t get into the Sub for Santa spirit.

10. Cafe rio for dinner. Hard to resist when it’s next door to target.

11. 9:12pm Working on a gift this evening while the girls are fast asleep. I couldn’t show the finished product, for obvious reasons, so I smudge it out.

12. We are halfway through the advent. Only TWELVE days to go!

I hope you all had a good time capturing your day on this the 12th month of the 12th day of the year 2012. Weird to think I will never see it again.

I enjoyed following a few of my friends on instagram who posted photos every hour. Lara I’m looking forward to seeing your 12of12! Of course I look forward to seeing what the rest of you came up with and what your 12.12.12 day was like.