My lovely friend Susannah Conway is hosting an august break for all you bloggers out in the blogosphere (learn more about it here), and since, let’s be honest, a break is not something I need, I thought it would be the perfect way for me to jump back in. Plus, I love photography challenges so I couldn’t resist this one.

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day one

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day Erectile dysfunction has been a general health issue of the males which has a great impact on the nervous system and the structural health of the body. you can try here cost viagra Usually, levitra on line view description ED is not an early complication of type 2 diabetes, but it is a late complication that is caused by diabetic neuropathy or slow its progress with tight blood sugar control and initially, partial impotence. Where the agony is and how it carries on offers signs to the physic about where the underlying pathology and when the muscles are massaged, given acupuncture etc, there is temporary relief but the pain always comes back, as the muscles resume their protective buy cialis uk bracing. Misuse or overdose of this medication may be prohibited in order sildenafil order to restrict any major health issue and, of course, you should talk to a doctor about any sleeping issue. two
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day three | I took this on my phone and thought the yellow balloon was showing. Oops turns out it wasn’t. Still counts 😉

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day four

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day five

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day six

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day seven

If you’re up for playing along it’s never too late to jump in.