“We can do no great things, only small things with great love.”
– Mother Teresa

When I heard this quote at conference a couple weekends ago it resonated with me and brought me back to the reason I chose the word give to focus on this year. When I was younger I always thought I would do big and important things, only to grow up and wonder where are those big and important things? The older I’ve gotten I’ve realized doing great things don’t need to be big and loud. In fact, most often great things are done quietly, behind closed doors, and done with love.

I believe we can all do great things which can make a huge difference in someone’s life…a difference we may never know. Think of what it feels like for a total stranger to give you a warm smile while you’re in the middle of a very bad day or to get the mail only to see that there’s a hand written envelope with your name on it or someone takes the time to comment on your blog post or a co-worker buys you lunch. It feels big and great and meaningful. Wouldn’t you want to give that same feeling to someone else? I know I run this list through my head when I’m not in the mood. It helps me to remember how even small acts can mean a great deal to someone.

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here is the original photo. I feel like the picture of the card doesn’t do it justice even though it printed beautifully.

You know the drill. If your interested comment. I’ll post the winner Friday afternoon.

Good Luck!

edited to add: I meant to say Saturday afternoon I will post the winner. So you have til then.