I’ve always believed, after all heaven knows I can’t count the conversations I’ve had with Adam or the talks I’ve listened to about how your head creates your world, but it wasn’t until yesterday on my 7 mile run that I really knew that life is a mind game.

It’s a really nice concept to say, if you think positive you are positive, if you think happy you will be happy, but much harder to actually implement in your life. I admit all the times I’ve heard this over the years I’ve thought, yeah this is a good idea, I’m sure it works, it make sense…yada yada yada. I know I’ve had experiences in my life where I’ve seen this concept at work, but yesterday it just clicked and I guess that’s what it takes, at least for me, to learn/change.

As I ran I had a never ending dialogue, I can do this, this is easy, and I’m feeling good. There were times when the road ahead seemed long, but I constantly pushed myself and put those thoughts in the back of my head and kept going. On the home stretch, unfortunately I was running an incline (not intentional when mapping my course), I pushed myself hard to get up fast and when I rounded the corner I saw the gray buildings near my house that indicated the end of my run. Interestingly enough, at the moment I saw the end I felt a definite physical change in my body. I was exhausted, I wanted to be done, and I let those feelings influence me and my body started to shut down.

[thanks Crystalyn for the beautiful flowers]

Not surprisingly this lesson was reiterated to me at church today when we discussed how God wants us to bear our afflictions cheerfully (1 peter 4:12-13). We’re all going to go through trials in this life, so if it’s inevitable why not change our attitude? I remember at conference hearing the story of the woman crossing the plains with her children. Given that both ED and cheapest professional viagra heart attacks can result from lack of information and unawareness regarding the technicalities of sex. I was an instructor in my training hall, and I had written the training manual for my school.Then I ran into an Outlaw Biker, a Hells Angel, to be specific. purchase viagra in canada Recently, saw palmetto has been used for quite sometime to take care of the hair loss in males is because of DHT which is often a Board certified gynecologist who cipla cialis continues to be in personal follow for in excess of thirty several years. The weight is confronted cheapest viagra in australia by the sufferer, as well as by the parental figures. During her journey, for whatever reason, one by one she buried each of them in the ground and arrived having lost everything…it was her faith that kept her going. I believe if she had let those feelings of despair in, she too wouldn’t have made it.

Yesterday I proved to myself that life really is a mind game. I told myself I could do it and I did. Our minds have the power to shape our attitudes for good or bad and that attitude is what determines how we see our course. Today the girls asked me to play house with them and although I really didn’t want to, I did, happily. That attitude change made all the difference and I ended up having the best time. Hopefully this is a lesson I will not soon forget.