I’ve been thinking about my new years resolutions this week and seriously considering adding giving up sugar to the list. I believe it’s the cause of my headaches and it definitely slows me down in the afternoon. I guess I just need to see if it makes a difference when it’s absent from my diet. I’m not going to rule it out completely, I’m fine with dessert or foods with some sugar in it, I’m mainly thinking of candy and all the sugary snacks that have been around lately. Have you ever tried to give up a food? I’m scared.

I’m celebrating the fact that I’m done making/buying Christmas gifts. Ok, I do actually have one more to get, but then all that’s left is the wrapping…that is if I can find all the gifts. I put them in so many random places I forget where and just when I think I’ve wrapped them all I’ll remember another. I need a better system.

I’m feeling peaceful. After my anxious week last week it’s such a welcome gift.

I’m reading when I shouldn’t be. Despite our busy schedule these days we’ve managed to fit in visits to the library. I’ve been on such a reading kick these days, such a bad time to start that too, all because of Hunger Games. I had it on hold at the Library and it finally came in so even though it’s December and I have a list a mile long of things I need to do I’m finding as much time as I can to read. Fights can occur due to being frustrated with each other as well as angry, bitter, resentful, and Find Out More levitra samples sad. The sexual organs are strengthened due to apt nutrition provided to the same with the use of synthetic medications, surgical procedures, tranquilizers, medicines for seizures and beta blockers might tadalafil 20mg generic contribute to the problem. Avoiding overdose or increased dosage should be considered as extremely important point among viagra 20mg in india all. Though the generic drugs are used widely today, many of the reliable drug stores in the UK offer genuine Kamagra to the ED patient at the lowest prices. buy cheapest viagra I guess that’s what the wee hours of the night are for. I really love being in that place where you have a good book going and then another and then another and then another. It’s crazy, I haven’t turned on my TV the entire month.

I’m rescheduling my CT scan to find out what this lump is on my neck. It was suppose to be today, but after registering with the hospital yesterday and finding out it was going to be $800 I canceled it. I considered not doing it at all ($800, that sucks), but I have to find out what this is. So, after all was said and done, I figured if I’m going to use my deductible I should use it in January and not December. At least then if I have to get something else done the insurance can take care of it.

I’m looking
forward to crafting my way into the new decade. I received, Martha Stewart Encyclopieda of Crafts last night at our annual bookclub book exchange (Ann brought it). It’s crazy what a project funk I was in this year, I don’t know what happened. I really want to push myself this next year to do more in my studio. I’ve missed it.

I’m listening to the quiet and gearing up for it to start getting noisy.