01. Morning run.
02. View from run — love watching the sun come up over the mountains
03. Tried to take Lola on a walk — she wasn’t having it.
04. She says coming home with paint on her face means a good day at art.
05. Red chucks just seemed to fit the mood of the day.
06. Spending time with Lola outside in the fabulous spring like weather.
07. Loving the blue sky.
08. Silliness with girls.
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10. The green is beginning to spring. 🙂
11. Love notes from Megan (clay on the wall).
12. A wall of instagrams.

For whatever reason I kept forgetting throughout the day to take photos. Has that ever happened to you? There were many moments today I normally would have documented that I simply failed to do so, for instance, when we went to get frozen custard. I literally only had 14 photos to choose for my 12of12 collage — a slow photo day for me I guess. It was beautiful though, and very spring like, I can’t complain. In fact I even like the way it turned out.

Hope you all had better luck at documenting your day. We win some and loose some I suppose.