01. Tess making pancakes.
02. Adam finally getting out of bed for the first time in weeks and me joining him outside after my workout.
03. Megan cuddling with the puppy before heading off to dance.
04. Tess doing her 30 minutes of practice a day.
05. Bella finally made it home from California. They were suppose to arrive at 10am, but didn’t show up till 1pm, which made her extremely late for chamber days with the Fry Street Quartet. :/
06. …Which she went right to after I grabbed her.
07. Did a bit of shopping with Megan after getting her from dance. I’m not sure why I didn’t take a picture of the swim toys we purchased.
08. She tried on all the glasses and hats in the place.
09. Afternoon swim.
10. The hose means someone is vacuuming the kitchen. Hallelujah! Why do I feel like it needs to be done every 30 mins??
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12. Last thing I did tonight was drop Tess off at her friends house. She is going on a camping trip with them in the morning. Good times!

I hope you all had a better go at it than me. It was an off day for me today, honestly I’ve been a little off since I got back from Squam. Can’t really pin point it, but the fact that Adam has been sick since I walked in the door and I’m trying not to eat dairy, gluten, or sugar is not helping matters (more on that later). Unfortunately, I hardly took any pictures, but luckily when I finally sorted through my photos I had 12 to use. Seriously, around 5pm I really thought I wouldn’t even have 9.

Anyway, you win some and lose some I suppose, but the fact that I actually did it is a win for me 🙂

Summer is full swing over here so I hope it’s the same for you. Looking forward to seeing some of your lazy summer days. Makes sure to head on over to our Facebook group and share your day.

Have a lovely weekend!!