01. On our way

02. Ice formations on the window — it’s cold out this morning.

03. Bagel day — not even the snow will stop us.

04. Getting a workout with the girls dancing to Just Dance 4.

05. We decided to go sledding up in the canyon. The hill/slope was really small so it was hard to get any really speed, but when you did, you had a long trek back.

06. Five sets of boots

07. Bella didn’t last long sledding. She spend the last bit in the car trying to warm up.

08. Megan and Tess had the best time. They didn’t even know they were frozen till we left.
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09. How could Adam and I resist going down together.

10. A new toy. I got the Bamboo tablet with some of my amazon gift cards for Christmas. Thanks all! I’m really looking forward to playing with it and learning illustrator this year.

11. View sledding (iphone)

12. Saying good night from my studio.

The majority of my collage is from the beginning our our day because, sadly, I accidentally erased 1/2 my photo card. Deep breath. I don’t have the words at how bummed I am that it happened. I really don’t get it. My camera changed the date back to 1/1/2000, so somehow the photos got missed when I went to import them. My heart hurts every time I remember a photo that I can’t get back. Deep breath.
I am choosing to let it go — there’ s nothing I can do about it now. Sigh! I hope you all had better luck than me.

Actually I really hope you all had a great day. I know we did. Always fun when the 12th lands on a Saturday.

So I’m mixing it up this year and trying a new link system. You should easily be able to share your link and choose the photo you want to put in the thumbnail. If you run into any troubles let me know, I will make a tutorial (have been unable to find one).