01. Morning view from Treasure Island
02. Getting to sleep in on a Tuesday = great way to start the day 🙂
03. Adam was gone early, working, so I spent most of my morning in the room reading, exercising, etc.
04. Then I went for a walk down the strip before we met for lunch…
05. at BLT Burger in the Mirage — totally hit the spot.
06. Adam needs at least 76% to pass his test and they sat us at table 76. I told him it was a good sign.
07. Spent some time walking and shopping
08. Adam studying
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10. Couldn’t resist some sweet
11. Night life
12. Light show from our the 22nd floor

Despite the fact that Adam is working and I spent most of my day alone, it was so nice to spend this 12th in Vegas to soak up a little of the sun and warmer weather. The high was about 55 degrees today, so not ideal, but it felt great. I guess when you’re comparing it to 18 degrees anything is better.

I hope you all had a great 12th as well. Make sure to share it with the rest of us. 🙂