01. Early morning violin. I must admit I am still surprised Megan will get up at 5:20am and be willing to participate in a lesson. Right now she is working on Seitz Concerto 2nd movement.
02. On our way home we saw this stop sign. Made me smile.
03. Saying our daily goodbye. It goes something like this, “Have a good day. Remember who you are. love you.
04. Puppy is looking to play with someone — anyone.
05. Does dark chocolate count as eating sugar? Ya I didn’t think so 🙂
06. I finally convinced Tess to start Wonder and now I can’t get her to stop.
07. Doing the dishes, one dish at a time. Sadly one of the reasons I am so excited to get into our new home is because I’m going to have dishwasher that works. Oh yeah!
08. Megan was so excited to come home and start working on her Valentine box. Thanks pinterest for the idea.
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10. Tess climbs for two hours on Wednesday after school and loves it.
11. Floors are installed in our new home (aka the ledge), but not complete. They will be finishing up the sanding/sealing next week. We are almost there! P.S. that is a view into my studio.
12. Family dinner. One of my favorite parts of the day.

Today was as basic as a day can get around here so I particularly enjoyed documenting it. I just love seeing life when it’s, you know, normal. Makes me appreciate the little things so much more. Does it help you feel that way too?

Hope your day was just as lovely. Remember to join the 12of12 group on facebook to share your day with us.
