01. The first thing she goes for when she wakes up — her phone.
02. On Megan’s desk right now. Love seeing her drawings.
03. I have literally been contemplating getting another dog because she is the sweet creature I’ve ever known. I don’t think I will, but Lola is so good to us I am so tempted.
04. Preparations for Bella’s homecoming on Friday evening — so excited to see her. Clean sheets are a favorite.
05. This puzzle came together quick, but it’s been sitting around for a while. Just a few more pieces to go.
06. Our lawn was in desperate need of some love today. Thanks Tess!
07. Music practice is definitely apart of our daily grind.
08. Tess got all her stuff done today so she could play with stamps and make a card. This is what she came up with.
09. Before coming inside for dinner Adam paused to water our plants sporting his “I made a difference” sticker and a very visible red bandage on his elbow.
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11. We took a walk this evening, it was so nice out. Megan chose to ride her bike instead and ended up doing circles around us.
12. Like I said a lovely evening together enjoying fading light and outside air.

I considered today a practice for next week. I have decided once again to pay along with Ali Edwards and do her Week in the Life project. I loved it so much last November, and although it was pretty intense taking photos all day for 7 days, I loved the result too much to not play again. You should consider playing along too. It’s one of those projects like 12of12 that you would not regret doing.

I hope it’s been a great day for you. I was surprised I had so much to show for such a low key day at home. Today was all about playing catch up, but it definitely had some gems thrown in there. I guess it just goes to show you, you can find bright moments in every day. I hope you found them today.

xo AG