01. Megan lovingly made me breakfast this morning. It was super thoughtful because as I was getting ready for church I thought how bummed I was that it didn’t look like I was going to have time to get breakfast. Thanks MG.
02. Ironing dresses for the girls.
03. Bella and Meili played in the Grandeur Peak ward sacrament so they practiced before.
04. Brussels sprouts continue to be their favorite veggie and they don’t mind the cleaning and chopping needed to cook it. Love that they do it together.
05. Waiting for the food to cook before lunch/dinner.
06. I painted Tess’ nails this afternoon and when I asked her to hold up her hands so I could take a picture she made them into this shaped and said, “this is for Skyline Eagles”. I didn’t get it at first, but she’s right, it does make an S.
07. Love how Sundays give us time to really be together. No agenda just time to chill. My favorite part of the day.
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09. Such a pretty sunset as we drove to Bella’s recital. So happy the evenings are getting lighter.
10. Bella bowing after she played marvelously. She was all smiles when she was done.
11. Continuing my practice to write a note everyday. It’s definitely become my favorite part of my day.
12. As we gathered to say prayers puppy wanted to gather with us like she normally does, but I thought it was super cute she nudge herself in between the girls.